- University of Tartu
- Theories and Philosophy of Literature, Narrative Studies, Semiotics
- Page institutionnelle / Institutional webpage : https://www.ncc.ut.ee / https://www.etis.ee/CV/Marina_Gri%C5%A1akova/eng?lang=ENG
Présentation / Presentation
Marina Grishakova is Professor in Comparative Literature at the Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu. Her scholarly interests include theories and philosophy of literature, cognitive aesthetics, narratology, intermedial studies, and the history of ideas and concepts in the humanities in the 20th century. Her current work focuses on complexity and theories of representation. Among her recent publications are Intermediality and Storytelling (with M.-L. Ryan; De Gruyter, 2010); Theoretical Schools and Circles in the Twentieth-Century Humanities: Literary Theory, History, Philosophy (with S. Salupere; Routledge, 2015); Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution (with M. Poulaki; University of Nebraska Press, 2019). She has been and is still, chair or member of the steering and advisory boards of many professional associations, journals and book series, and has given a multitude of guest lectures in various universities across Europe.
À propos du hasard / About chance (publications)
- (forthcoming) “On predictability, unpredictability, and postdictability in arts.” In: Mendonça D., M. Curado, and S. Gouveia, eds. The Science and Philosophy of Predictive Processing. New York, London, Oxford : Bloomsbury, 2020.
- “The Predictive Mind, Attention, and Cultural Evolution” In: Grishakova, M. and M. Poulaki, eds. Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution (367−390). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019.
- “Narrative Causality Denaturalized.” In: Alber, J. and R. Heinze, eds. Unnatural Narratives – Unnatural Narratology (127−144). Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2011.
- “Around Culture and Explosion: J. Lotman and the Tartu-Moscow School in the 1980s-90s” In: Grishakova, M., ed. Semiotics, Communication and Cognition 1. J. Lotman.Culture and Explosion (175−187). Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2009.
dans ALEA / in ALEA
- Contributor to the volume on Figures of Chance
- Coordinator of the seminar on Narrative and Complexity organized by Toon Staes and the research group Narrative, Culture, Cognition at the U. of Tartu, Sept. 2020
- Speaker in the ALEA panel “Contingency and Complexity between Narrative Representation and System” (org. by prof. Pier and prof. Duprat) at the ISSN 2019 conference in Pamplona
- Lecturer in the lecture series “Hasard, causalité, contingence dans le récit” (Recherches contemporaines en narratologie), CRAL/ EHESS, March 2019